On the inside, the tiny girl was watching this remarkable turn of event unfold in a blink of an eye. She wondered if she’s ready for something deeper, something more complex than any decision-making she’d ever done in her life. And truth be told, she was scared. She was feeling overwhelmed. But still she gathered her wits and waited for a few minutes to declare what she was really thinking about. And with the positivity and negativity each pulling at the end of her instinct, she did want it! After all, it was an answered prayer.

That morning, the sun shone so bright that they suddenly became so unafraid, so open-minded and confident to tell the world how grateful they were to the Highest for the wonderful gift this little being was.
Perhaps she’s only a few days to what she considers to be “the best time of her life”. They’re both looking forward to that day, and she got the feeling it will be anytime soon.
The building manager who lived in the top floor was getting ready for the Sunday service. And so did everyone else.

So, he and his wife started their journey before this little being would say his proper first Hello and wasted no time for words.
Surely, she’d read all the true-to-life pregnancy stories available for her online, listened to the wonderful and unpleasant experiences of mothers and closest friends around and took in some of the most genuine and useful pieces of advice by experts she came in contact with but still, this was a different story.
It was a bit more uncomfortable, a little exposing, a little raw.
It was almost too much for her little body to bear so she got lost in the outburst of her thoughts and uncontrollable outpouring of emotions. Was it a tension or perhaps a discomfort?
She chocked.
She only bounced back when the nurse distracted her with an “emergency operation” cry. Certainly she felt blameworthy for her deep thoughts hurt the little one but this was what was right now. She’s ready to pop out.
Naked and vulnerable she struggled against doses of medicines running through her veins. She had no choice but to give in to her pounding pulse. The last thing she felt was a needle working to her very last nerve. The rest was left unto God.
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